The Inspire Philosophy: Stillness

As children go through their adventure of education, they will hear a certain phrase at least once.

“Sit still!”

We have to question why it is that “sit still” begins to have a negative connotation to it. For example, it might spark one to think things like “Am I moving too much?” or “Why can’t I move around?” That seed of doubt is one that we try to avoid planting at an early age.

As practitioners and parents, if a child struggles to sit still or simply prefers to do things on their feet, we have to ask ourselves the golden questions:
Is the child grounded?
Is the furniture comfortable for the child?
Is there too much stimulation?
Is there not enough stimulation?
What needs are not being met?

The simple answer to a lot of these questions is that every child has individual needs and we need to consider those needs. There is nothing inherently wrong with learning on their feet and being active in their learning.

One of the key ideologies that we believe in is that children learn through doing, so let them do it in ways they are comfortable and beneficial to the individual!

There are times to sit still, of course. Reading stories on the carpet, eating our food and periods of relaxation. However, like all things in life, balance is the key to success and happiness!


The Inspire Philosophy: Go with The Flow


The Inspire Philosophy: Feet on the Ground