What is needed to complete the registration for my child?

The list of required documents are listed on our fees page under 'PRE-REGISTRATION CHECKLIST' .

It is of the utmost importance that we obtain as many details about a child as possible to ensure a smooth transition into Nursery life and in order to maintain his/her well-being at Nursery. Registration packs require information regarding parents’ contact details, emergency contacts, as well as the child’s medical information. A detailed list of all other documents required to complete the Registration are also contained within the Pack. All information requested is stipulated by the Ministry of Education governing Nurseries in Dubai and is kept with the utmost confidentiality. Nursery management will be happy to assist you with the completion of the paperwork.

How to say goodbye at Nursery.

Starting nursery is a wonderful way of gifting your child with the advantage of extending knowledge, stimulation and skills outside the home environment. Saying goodbye and giving your child the knowledge, confidence and trust that you will return, is an important stage in their emotional and social development and part of your journey as parents. Children and parents are provided with sensitive support during this special time and are guided by our step-by-step prompting program.

What do I need to bring with me to Nursery?

Parents need to provide their class teacher with a set of spare of clothes, a packet of nappies/pull-ups if required and a daily healthy snack.

How does the Nursery communicate with parents?

Effective, clear and mutually respectful communication is the key to establishing and engaging positive relationships between parents and staff. Our School management team operates an open door policy and parents are always welcome to seek advice, share information and deliver their input. In general, notifications, announcements, reminders and newsletters will be communicated to parents via the Nursery Communicator (Download app here) . Detailed information regarding aspects of life at our Nurseries is provided to parents from their initial visit, when children first start Nursery and throughout the year as well.

What is the level of parental involvement in Nursery life?

Opportunities are planned for parents to be involved in activities such as presentations, reading and listening to stories or participating in artwork sessions. Parent suggestions and feedback are always welcomed. Our offices operate an open door policy whereby parents can drop in at any time for a discussion. The Nurseries aim to be a vibrant and integral part of the community and hold regular events which require parental participation such as Bake Sales, Open Days, Fairs, Fun Days and Charity fundraising activities. We invite parents and children to these events and welcome the assistance of parents in their organisation.

How often will my child have playtime outside?

As fresh air is very important and children need to release energy and build on their gross motor skills, outside playtime is a vital part of their daily schedules. Children have daily access to outdoor play areas which are shaded, UV protected and cooled by industrial fans to create air flow during the hotter seasons.

How do you plan for and assess each child's learning?

In the core to the EYFS every child is a unique and competent learner whose individual needs must be acknowledged and incorporated within the pre-school setting. Our staff members are trained and qualified to plan for children’s individual learning needs. Observation and assessment are tools practitioners draw upon to assist them in identifying children’s strengths, developmental needs and interests so as to support these through their weekly planning. These tools also enable staff to share information with you about your child's progress at Nursery.

What if my child requires medication?

Our Nursery nurses are able to administer various medications subject to prior written authorisation (Medicine Authorisation Form) from parents. This includes the administration of medications for chronic conditions such as inhalers or external medications such as creams. Restrictions apply to un-prescribed medications. Parents are always informed before our Nurses administer any medication.

How do you manage children's behaviour?

For their own safety and the safety of their peers, it is imperative that children have set, clear and consistent boundaries of behaviour. Undesirable behaviour often occurs when the child’s basic needs are not being met. Our aim is to promote positive behaviour and ensure that all children are provided with guidance, love, care and security. They also have the right to adequate rest/ sleep, the freedom to explore, a positive self-image, suitable adults as role models, opportunities for self-expression and learning. Positive behaviour strategy is a set of guiding principles, attitudes and techniques about real-life behaviour. It empowers the child by allowing them to change, adopt or eliminate negative behaviours. This strategy is based on the ability to change communication skills therefore allowing parents and teachers to achieve change in behaviour!

What happens if I am late collecting my child?

In the event that a parent or care giver has not collected their child from the School at pick up time, and no prior contact has been made with the Nursery to inform them of alternative arrangements, the nurseries will make every attempt to contact parents. We do provide a Late Class option until 2:00 pm which gives our parents flexibility and peace of mind. Please note that an additional fee will apply for this service.

Who should I speak to if I have a concern?

Parent's feedback is always welcome. If a parent has concerns regarding aspects of their child’s life at School this should be raised immediately with the class teacher. If the teacher is unable to find a solution to the concern raised, it will be escalated to the Deputy Headmistress who will listen and endeavour to work with the parent and the staff team to reach a resolution.

Does the nursery have a bus service?

The nurseries do not provide transport. Parents are encouraged to either drop/pick up their child or they can arrange for someone else to come collect their child. Parents must ensure that the office is notified beforehand. We will not allow another parent or individual to pick up a child without explicit authorisation from the parent/guardian.

If I start in the middle of a term, are there any discounts or prorated fees?

The nurseries will offer prorated fees to any parent who wishes to register their child in the middle of a term. Should you wish to understand more about the prorated fees visit our Fees page or call us to get more information.

Where should I send my CV for a position at the nurseries?

Please visit our Careers page to view positions, requirements and a link to send through your application.

What is EYFS?

Please visit our Curriculum page which provides an in depth explanation of EYFS. Otherwise we recommend reading the official Parent's Guide 4 Children .

Having trouble with our Communicator App?

Please visit the Communicator Help page which provides you with answers to questions you may have and contact details if you have an issue not listed in their FAQ.

Is Kid’s Island Nursery and Cocoon Nursery a kindergarten?

Yes! By definition, in Britain and Australia, a kindergarten is an establishment where children below the age of compulsory education play and learn. It is more commonly known as a nursery school or a preschool. In North America however, it is expressly a class or school that prepares children, usually five- or six-year-olds, for the first year of formal education.

Is Kid’s Island Nursery and Cocoon Nursery a preschool?

Yes! Both our nurseries in Dubai are preschools which, by definition, is relating to the time before a child is old enough to go to big school. Preschool can also be defined as a kindergarten or nursery school.

What is a nursery school?

A nursery in Dubai is commonly known as a school for young children. Our nursery schools in Dubai cater for children from 1 to 4 years of age. A nursery school can also be called a kindergarten or a preschool in some countries.

What is a kindergarten?

A kindergarten in Dubai is an establishment where children below the age of compulsory education play and learn. A kindergarten is also commonly known as a nursery school or a preschool.

What is a preschool?

A preschool in Dubai is an establishment which provides care and teaching to children before a child is old enough to go to big school. A preschool is also commonly known as a nursery school or kindergarten.

What languages are taught at Kid's Island Nursery?

Kid's Island Nursery teaches in English and offers French and Arabic language exposure as part of the curriculum. Additionally, parents can also enrol their children in Arabic or French classes as an Extra curricular activity. Please visit our Extra Curricular Activities page for more information.


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